Mark 2:17 "[Jesus] said to them, 'Those who are well have no need of
a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the
righteous, but sinners, to repentance.'
This reminds me of a discussion I got into after Pastor Ken's message on Sunday in which he said, "The church will never change the world if we continue to hang onto out consumer mentality about church". Some friends and I were talking about how we are called to have God change our lives, but must then be responsible to be a part of God changing the lives of other people through us! It is all too often that people come to a worship gathering with a "What can I get?" mentality rather than the "What can I do?" mentality represented and encouraged by Jesus. It has often been said that The Church is the world's only organization that exist predominantly for those outside of itself. Sadly, this becomes less and less true as we continue to consume God's resources without regard for those outside who have no connection to God on a personal level.
They are sick and dying. They are the ones for whom Jesus came. And yet they are ignored unless they take initiative to come inside our inward facing circle. This is exactly what the Pharisees of Jesus day were guilty of!
I wonder what ratio is of time I spend focussing on those inside the
Church to those outside. An honest assesment would be pretty bleak.
Jesus did not come for the healthy but the sick. He certainly did not
send me to do something different than His own purpose!
How do I fix this?!
Jesus, You came for a very specific purpose; to call the lost to come
to life. You have sent me to be your ambassador now and I have not
lived up to the full extent of my calling at all times. Please forgive
me for the places in my heart that are bitterly Pharisaical! Remove
any of the distaste in my mouth for the lost and increase
my passion to GO into all the world as You have commanded me to do!
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