
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Choice to Rejoice

From my Devos this morning:
Acts 13:2-4 "As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, 'Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work which I have called them.' Then having fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them away. So, being sent by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia, and from there they sailed to Cyprus."

Paul's first missionary journey is recounted in the two chapters of the book of Acts that follow. During this excursion Paul and Barnabas preached the word in multiple Orthodox Jewish Synagogues as well as to a large number of Gentile gatherings; they healed and led people to salvation; they were worshiped as gods; corrected said worship; ridiculed by Jewish leaders; Paul was stoned and left for dead; escaped; returned to preach the word again in the very town in which he was stoned; and ultimately returned home to rejoice over all that God had done. *Pause to breathe*

I am fairly confident that most people would consider being stoned and left for dead to be a pretty solid joy killer, yet Paul not only continued on his journey, he indignantly returned to the very same place on his return trip! Furthermore, once home he rejoiced over what God had done through him when most would have complained and focused on the negative things men had done to him; using a near death experience as an excuse to never go on another missions trip again...and I bet all his friends would have supported that decision had he made it too!

It seems to me that Paul's correct attitude, in spite of his obvious trials, came from a firm knowledge that he had been called, set apart, and led by the Holy Spirit to go, and no matter what happened to him he was going to rejoice in God's work through him!

I know that I know that I too have been called, set apart, and led by the Holy Spirit into the service of my great God. I also know that you have the exact same calling on your life; to serve and love God, and to serve and love people. As I have gone through my life making the choice to serve God I have seen how I would have avoided some pretty rough times had I chosen to do my own thing instead. But I can say this for certain, I have experienced God's work in and through me in ways I would not trade anything for. I find great joy in serving God! I rejoice in every day that I have been able to see His work though me as I know I deserve none of it.

This has been a great reminder for me today that I am indeed called, and that equal part of my service to God is to rejoice as well as 'go and do.' I am making a new commitment to increase my level of rejoicing over what God does as He uses me to expand His Kingdom. I am also committing to stop complaining about the trials. (In fact, as I am writing this I am reminded of James 1:2-5 that tells us to count it all joy when we face trials of many kinds, because they produce patience and perfect our faith.) I invite you, let me make that a stronger statement, I challenge you to make the same commitment to God. He is worthy and your rejoicing over God could be the very thing that will open the door for someone to see the joy of your salvation and want it for themselves!

In the immortal words of Thumper's Mother, "If you can't say something good, don't say anything at all."